Report a lost or stolen ATM or MasterCard® Debit Card by calling 508-678-7641 during business hours or 800-264-5578 after business hours
Connecting all offices: 508-678-7641 - Monday-Friday, 7:00am-7:00pm Saturday - 8:00am-2:00pm 888-806-2872 - Toll Free
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Please do not include any sensitive or confidential information when sending an email message to BayCoast Bank. BayCoast Bank's reply to your message will not include any confidential information, including account numbers, social security numbers, account history or balance information. If you are requesting such information, please be sure to provide us with a daytime telephone number so that we may respond to your message by telephone. You may also obtain the requested information through Online Banking, telephone banking (888-533-6695) or by calling your local branch office.